The Universe is full of purpose. Learn more in Emanuel’s new book, PURPOSE RISING →

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Explore Emanuel’s articles on purposeful and collaborative global change.

The OWL Magazine: Spring 2023 Issue

"A Journey from Grievance to Love"

by Emanuel Kuntzelman

With so much at stake for humanity, where and how does the healing even begin? The suffering and accompanying grievances are present, and our energy needs to be cleaned and healed if we are to have hope of moving forward as a species.

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The OWL Magazine: Winter 2023 Issue

"The Art and Science of Creating a Unified Field"

by Emanuel Kuntzelman

How the Holomovement, founded in both science and spiritual wisdom, is our call to action to find and embrace our collective purpose toward the good of the whole.

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Kosmos Autumn Quarterly 2021

"The Holomovement; A Whole World View for Social and Spiritual Transformation"

by Emanuel Kuntzelman and Jill Robinson

Cosmologically, psycho-spiritually and sociologically, the Holomovement is quite literally a movement of the whole towards truth, beauty and goodness. In a similar fashion as to how yin and yang make Taoist philosophy an interconnected and flowing whole, the Holomovement weaves the spiritual and material into a unified field of collective consciousness.

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Riding the Wave of Global Purpose


Humanity is long overdue for reconciliation between science and spirit; we are in need of unifying theories that help us and common values and principles of action in order to transcend this trough of materialism and unearth our higher selves. The pages that follow will describe the Evolutionary Wave Model, a theory that offers common sense explanations for some of life’s big questions—Where did we come from? What is the purpose of life? What does the future hold?—and will help push us forward into a new era of transformation. Sign up for my newsletter and receive a free copy of a sneak preview of my forthcoming book, Riding the Wave of Global Purpose.

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