The Holomovement

A Social Movement Transforming the World

Sustainable, global transformation requires a cooperative network stretching out beyond our current silos of interest groups and individual organizational efforts.

The Holomovement is a social movement that awakens us to our interconnectedness, igniting a critical mass of collaborative action serving the good of the whole. Guided by science and spirituality, this unifying movement is catalyzing a massive shift in human consciousness.

See the Whole. Play Your Role. Co-Create with Soul.

Holomovement as a source of hope

Emanuel is the founding visionary in developing the theory of the Holomovement as a movement to unite humanity through our collective purpose.

He was first introduced to David Bohm, who coined the term “holomovement,” back in 1984, while reading Bohm’s book; “Wholeness and the Implicate Order.” At that time he’d always been looking for a name, an idea, to bring the movement of movements together.

“As I read that book, I found the term ‘holomovement,’ and for me it was the most beautiful concept I had come across in describing the oneness of consciousness. What’s more, it’s a great term, a single word describing a movement of wholeness. What could be better?”.

Bohm believed at the core of our universe is the Implicate order, the field of consciousness and multidimensional reality of oneness that creates our world. The physical manifestation of how we perceive the universe is the Explicate order. He proposed it was the holomovement weaving the two together.

The term “Holomovement” (with a capital ‘H’) as a transformative movement, draws its inspiration from Bohm's “holistic understanding of our universe as a manifestation of the consciousness of our universe.”

Bohm’s life work of reconciling our unbroken wholeness and now the ongoing efforts of the Holomovement require both science and spirit, truth and compassion. We each play a critical role in building this momentum to create a world that works well for All.

Learn more about this unifying worldview for radical collaboration and how to join.

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