Transformation from the Inside Out

July 16, 2014
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We are living in a singular moment, and in many ways, this is an advantage. As the collective starts to focus on solving the challenges of today’s global crisis, we can begin to see the power of a collective conscious. All those emergent solutions mixing with our untapped potential creates a potent recipe for positive change. If molecules, mindless, materialistic molecules, could figure out how to transform into life, then together we can figure out how to solve the world’s problems. This is what leadership is all about in the twenty-first century. This is leadership transformed. To begin, we must tap into the energy of our soul. Our passion and potential for transformation begins with connecting to this soul field. As each of us finds our authentic self, and starts to understand our calling as soul-based leaders, we can then seek solutions with compassion, peace and harmony. The systems and institutions of today won’t fail, fall or collapse on their own. They will transform from within by people who bring their hearts and soul power to a positive mission. Each one of us has the leadership potential to build compassionate communities that will transform the systems of the world. With our personal transformation comes social change with a deep connection to our soul. As we mature and evolve and gain knowledge of our soul, we realize what we desire is what the good of the whole also desires. We are all in this together, we can’t take wealth, political power or material belongings with us when we pass on, and for all the materiality that we collect, we will have to leave it behind for someone else. But we can work together and build a legacy, as a community reaching out and wanting the best outcome for Oneness, for the whole of humanity and therefore it will become an emergent, common desire. The individual soul, merging with other souls, creates a vibration, a ripple effect, with a singular focused intention of compassion that will cause a shift in consciousness and ultimately cause social transformation that started from within. How are you using personal transformation to be a soul-based leader in the world?      
March 27, 2024 1:02 AM
I think the following is another perspective of the above: Expanding our realities through reading, discussion, travel, and carrying an open heart and mind will lead to social transformation from within. Our differing realities and worldviews can, of course, cause disagreements. Therefore if we work on expanding our own reality to encompass others', there will exponentially be peace. Peace will lead to further social transformation. And just imagine what we could do if we all were working together with our collective intelligence and resources!
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March 27, 2024 1:06 AM
Hello from France ! You're website is very nice ! I love it !
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