The Black Sheep Find Their Flock

October 27, 2014
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After spending time on the island of Ibiza in honor of the Ibiza Spirit Festival celebration, I have had time to reflect on the special community that acts as a sort of microcosm of how a transformed world could look in the near future. Many of the individuals that live on the island are “black sheep” in some way, myself included, in that we’ve been seeking something in unconventional ways. This diverse, spiritual community has come together in pursuit of higher consciousness, and in a sense, we have found our flock on this magical island. Being part of the Ibiza Spirit Fest was a highlight of my visit, a sort of homecoming to where my own spiritual search began so many years ago. To be able to sponsor and participate in this event, enjoying old friends and meeting new ones, felt like a reunion. There can be times of discouragement when one has dedicated their life searching for truth and transformation. But the Ibiza Spirit Fest confirmed that there’s a whole lot happening to instill confidence that change is on its way. What’s even more exciting is that individuals who are out on the fringe looking to make transformation happen don’t have to travel to an island off the coast of Spain to find their flock. These transformative and inspiring events can happen anywhere. The more we can build excitement and energy for positive change, the faster we can create a critical mass that represents the global community. Whether it is the upcoming Greenheart Transforms event, Envisioning a Green World Transformed in Chicago, or Global Oneness Day celebrated worldwide on Oct. 24, likeminded seekers and social change makers are flocking together for the greater good of the whole.
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