A Film Review of the Theory of Everything

January 5, 2015
I’ve been an admirer of Stephen Hawking for a long time. His book, A Brief History of Time, was both readable and intriguing, providing me, early on in my career, with a deeper understanding of time as a dimension rather than a linear entity. However, I do not necessarily agree with Hawking’s views as a physicist and cosmologist. He and I lie at different points along the spectrum of materialism and consciousness, with my position leaning heavily toward the latter. But my admiration for Hawking’s work extends beyond his materialistic stance of the universe and his insistence on mathematical proof. No matter where one lies on this spectrum, it’s impossible not to note the extraordinary power of Hawking’s mind in the face of his “deadly” physical disease. Prior to watching the film, "The Theory of Everything," I’d read an interview with Hawking in which he voiced his initial apprehension surrounding the movie, as it was based on the book by his ex-wife, Jane Wilde Hawking. But after witnessing the final product, he expressed his satisfaction with the fair and accurate interpretation of events, which is one of the main reasons I went to see the film. I liked it. I thought it was great acting. From most perspectives, it was a love story—depicting Jane and Stephen’s relationship from their early days at Cambridge through his physical deterioration, the deterioration of their marriage, and his success as a physicist. As someone who’s followed Hawking’s work as a physicist, I was hoping the film would delve into greater detail about his contributions to the scientific community, but from a broader perspective, this story is a contribution in itself to our understanding of consciousness. His life speaks poignantly to the next stage in the wave of human potential—the power of consciousness to overcome our physical reality and push us forward toward personal transformation. Diagnosed at the age of 22 with Lou Gehrig’s disease, he was given two years to live. It is estimated that only 5% of people diagnosed with this neurodegenerative disease survive more than ten years. 50 years later, Hawking is still alive and one of the most brilliant minds of our time. He may not have come up with the precise mathematical formula for the theory of everything, but through his own journey, his will to live, and his desire to understand the universe, he’s provided us with an extraordinary example of the power of consciousness, and that in itself is a living example of the theory of everything.  
barry Walker
March 27, 2024 1:07 AM
you dont know the real life of pain and the mind that you go thru in life .when you are confined to a wheel chair . your brain goes to over load or you give up on life . you go for life or you give up .what do you do . !!!!!!!!!!!!!! . keep going and than keep going . its just another way in life and you fight for it . its what we do . never give up. fight and keep living that a real deal you were cast ! I have been there the last 10 years . be a leader not a follower !!! Barry Walker ,, nashville tenn .
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domain whois
March 27, 2024 1:13 AM
Honest scientists frleey admit when they don't know something, or when they can't explain the mechanism for well quantified laws of the universe (like gravity). It is exactly that intellectual honesty and discipline which is the basis for the scientific method. I admire this, because it makes their discoveries of objective truth in the universe very precious and ENLIGHTENING. However, for me, there is a sadness at the fall from greatness when a brilliant man like Stephen Hawking equates the mechanism for thought (the brain) with the self, the fundamental core essence of who I am. I am not my thoughts, my emotions, my actions, nor any of my other creations. I am the one who is aware of those thoughts. The sadness I feel for Stephen becomes a sadness (emotion) within myself because I secretly (well, not so secret any more) fantasize that my brilliance matches his own. And there lies the cause of my sadness: the grasping and craving for something I do not have, nor can I ever have it. And why not? Because Stephen Hawking is unique and precious whether I think so or not. His imperfect understanding does not change that, and I sincerely hope that his joy and wonder abound. When his (and my) happiness, joy, wonder and love are not hidden or dampened by unnecessary suffering, caused by the grasping of intellectual hubris, then the bliss of this moment IS heaven. The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and hallelujah, the physical laws of this universe do not dim that light, but rather they enhance and focus it in the center of me, and you, and you, and you Thankyou Stephen, and Larry, and Grandpa.
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