Seeking Spiritual Ecstasy

Seek your spiritual ecstasy! Meditate on a mountain or take a walk in nature, and do it on a regular basis. Let it fill your heart with joy, and let it replenish your spirit, for there will be times when you will need to draw on that reserve and energy and understand that we can still find the greatest moments in the midst of our greatest challenges.

7 Steps to Ecstasy I Learned at Esalen Institute

I strolled up to the hilltop on the far end of the grounds overlooking the gardens and was just amazed at the rich, psychedelic splendor of the plants, vegetables and flowers. If there ever was a Garden of Eden, it couldn’t have been much better than the garden of Esalen. There I flourished in a mindful meditation, enjoying my own experience of oneness with the now, and was able to obtain the natural high of ecstasy at Esalen.

The most important moment in all of human history

Leading up to this momentous year of 2012, we have read, heard and seen many interpretations of the Mayan calendar and what Dec. 21, 2012 means for humanity.  This might seem terribly arbitrary to many, but all apocalyptic talk aside, I think this year represents an end of one era and the beginning of a new shift in consciousness in one of the most important moments in all of human history.

Eight Practical Points of Emanuel’s Spiritual Practice

When we talk of establishing a spiritual practice, it is important to understand that the word “practice” doesn’t mean converting to any religious tradition. Your spiritual practice is a daily routine you commit to that promotes positive growth and transformation in mind, body and spirit. Here I am sharing eight of my daily practices to help you find your own personal practice.

Join Us in a Global Oneness Celebration

In previous posts, I have expressed my excitement for the shift in consciousness that this year of 2012, symbolizes. Even more cause for celebration, in my mind, is the Transit of Venus, that to me, truly marks the beginning of a new era. To honor this important time in our evolution, I am inviting everyone to join together in a Global Oneness Celebration, June 6 beginning at 1 p.m. CST.

Getting Technical About the 2012 Mayan Prophecies

Astronomers around the world have predicted that 2012 will likely be one of the worst years for solar radiation.  The cycles of the sun’s activity are quite predictable and 2012 is definitely going to be an active one.  This has, in fact, already begun, and on the days following intense solar flares, there are physiological changes on earth.